What are forensic evaluations?

It is an evaluation intended to answer a specific legal question, such as: competency to
stand trial or mental condition at the time of the offense.

What type of forensic evaluations are completed at E.B. Evaluations, Inc.?

Competency Only Evaluation: Juvenile and Adult

Sanity Only Evaluation

Competency and Sanity Evaluation (Combined)

Bindover Evaluation

Intervention in Lieu of Conviction Evaluation

Guardianship Evaluation

Are forensic evaluations confidential?

For court ordered forensic evaluations, the court is the client, not the defendant or juvenile. Thus, any information disclosed during a forensic evaluation has the potential to be placed in a report that will then be sent to the court. Prior to beginning the evaluation procedures, the defendant or juvenile being evaluated will be informed of the limits of confidentiality.

What do forensic evaluations include?

1.The legal or referral question being assessed
2. Name of the court or agency that referred the defendant or juvenile
3. Name and qualifications of the examiner
4. The duration and location of the evaluation
5. Identifying information about the person being evaluated, including relevant clinical, social, and criminal history depending on the evaluation type

6. An overview of collateral information used to inform the evaluator’s clinical opinion
7. Specific Information gathered to address the referral question (e.g., understand of legal concepts, subject’s version of the indexed offense, etc.)
8. The evaluator’s clinical opinion regarding the referral question

Who can conduct a forensic evaluation?

A licensed clinical psychologist.

How long do forensic evaluations take and what happens after the initial interview?

The face-to-face evaluation with the defendant or juvenile is scheduled for two hours. After
meeting, the evaluator typically has 30 days from the day the Entry was received to complete the evaluation and send it to the referral source.

What occurs before the evaluation takes place?

See Referral page